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RATTworks: Precision Hybrid & Tribrid Rocket Motors RATTworks: Precision Hybrid & Tribrid Rocket Motors
M400 Hybrid Research
Dave Griffith with M400 hybrid Dave is shown here holding an M400. Motor dimensions are 2.5" X 6'.

M400 on its way to its 30,000 foot flight. M400 hybrid flight

Before & after M400 hybrid grain THE AMAZING SHRINKING FUEL GRAIN!
Chuck Rose shows "before" and "after" M400 hybrid grains, with its unique floating injector design. This grain actually shrinks as it's being consumed.

Video of Dave describing the M400.
1596 KB
160 x 120
00:14 AVI
Dave Griffith describing M400

M400 hybrid launch Video of the M400 flight. Listen for the buzzing sound caused by a nozzle blow-by at the end of the burn.
160 x 120
00:17 AVI

RATTworks: Precision Hybrid & Tribrid Rocket Motors RATTworks: Precision Hybrid & Tribrid Rocket Motors
RATTworks: Precision Hybrid & Tribrid Rocket Motors